
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Goals 2015!

Sooo long time no blog huh? Oops. Life got in the way, but no excuses, I mean I started this blog for me and then let everything take priority. Still learning that whole balance thing. But balance isn't a thing you ACHIEVE really it's a thing you DO. Anyway, I'm sure that could be a good post in and of itself but not what I'm here for today. Today is about things I do want to ACHIEVE. Today is about GOALS! I have a big summer coming up and I have a lot that I'd like to do so I thought "why not put my goals on the blog?" Even though like no one reads this (yet, maybe some day :) ) I thought this was a way to make my goals public, hold myself accountable and set up a kind of contract with myself (and anyone who might happen to read this). So without further ado my goals for Summer 2015 are:

  • Complete at least 3 trainings in new types of therapies and techniques and specialties
  • Go on an amazing honeymoon with my hubby to San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico! (cannot wait! We've been married almost 2 years still haven't taken honeymoon, crazy.)
  • See my mentee once a week. :) 
  • Brush up on my Spanish for the trip and work.
  • Go to yoga once a week, if not more.
  • Find a new source of income so that I don't go crazy like I did working two jobs this spring.
  • Write on this blog weekly, if not more. :)
  • Prep for next school year including better ways to keep up with documentation, new groups for kids, parents, and staff, and building up and organizing my therapy supplies.
  • Complete DIY projects for:  1 graduation, 1 baby shower, 1 wedding and all things I've been hoping to do for her own home but never seem to get to.
  • Start a daily mindfulness practice, be it journaling, yoga, or meditation.
  • Plan an awesome joint 30th birthday party with my girl G.
  • Go to "the winery" at least once a month. We are wine club members at a awesome winery in the Santa Cruz mountains. Views are gorgeous, I will definitely do a post at some point.
  • Visit out fiends in Santa Cruz, San Fransico, and Oakland more. :)
So there they are! I will definitely do updates on how it's going throughout the summer. Hopefully seeing my goals can be a little inspiration for others to get out and use the longer summer days to achieve the things that really matter to you.

Live Joyously!