
Thursday, May 29, 2014

mini humans are awesome! baby gifts part 2: boy oh boy (DIY name/dob prints, and a cute frame for brothers)

Last July I was in Philly for a surprise bridal shower I was throwing for my best friend (love you A!). However, I had no idea that I would be getting an amazing surprise that day too. My good friend Mommy Z told me she was expecting again!  

Her son Tommy is just the most awesome kid I know (I mean I don't know many kids, she is the first in our group of friends to start a family, but I still think he's a pretty special baby ). So I knew that this new little bundle of joy would be a special kid as well. However, we would all have to wait till March to find out whether we were welcoming a baby brother or sister for Tommy. Mommy and Daddy Z choose not to find out the gender with Tommy and were doing the same with this baby. 
A piggy bank I made Tommy for his baptism 

SO when I got the text this March that they had welcomed a little boy named Michael I was so happy for them! Tommy has a brother, so fun! The boys will be just under two years apart and I hope they will be best buds and partners in crime, though I worry a little for Mommy Z once both of these little trouble makers are mobile, watch out!

 I wanted to make something to celebrate this new addition to the Z Family as well as something to celebrate the bond that I hope these brothers will share. 

For Mikey :) I saw this on Etsy and thought "I can make that!" ( have this thought ALOT only a fraction of those project turn out as well as this one,  haha)

I found these frames at Target. They are listed for $3.99 but they were on sale that day (I can't find my receipt), so scored them for even less (I remember it being under $6 including CA sales tax).

I had some white 8.5x11 card stock from past projects. I just played around in Word till I got the design to my liking, I used Trebuchet for the font. It's my new favorite font, especially for resumes, more on that in an upcoming post :)

I printed out the finished design, used my paper cutter to trim them down and VOILA!!!

Sorry for the blur on the name, just trying to give some privacy for the baby and family.
This is SUCH an easy DIY and could be customized in MANY ways (change fonts and colors, print on colored card stock, fancy frames, use this technique to transfer design to wood, canvas, etc.)

For the Brothers: Inspiration came from here.

I had a left over white plastic craft frame. I used these to make thank you gifts for my bridesmaids that I gave for Christmas this past year (I will most likely post about that at a later date as well). They were only $.50 each!!! But I think that may have been because they were on clearance, Michael's not longer carries them :(

I used the same transfer technique as my last post. The fonts are Trebuchet (current font crush, for sure) for " There's no" and "Brother" and Pacifico for "Buddy" and "like a". 

This project was also really easy and quick. Again you could easily change it up to be a wood sign or canvas, but I loved the idea of a picture frame so Mommy Z and put a picture of her little boys in it :)

Well that's it! I'm so happy for Mommy Z and I can't wait to meet little Mikey when we will be back in Philly for more wedding this summer.

If you have any questions or comments please don't be shy :)

Live Joyously!

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