


Welcome to PolyJoyous, an outgrowth of my love of too many thing and my need to share those loves with others. 

I was inspired by the word "polymath" which the World English Dictionary defines as "a person of great and varied learning". I don't know if that applies to me, but it is certainly something I aspire to. Joyous is a nickname I've had for ages, however I also think it applies to what I hope to accomplish with this blog.  As a mental health and wellness professional I like to take a mindful approach to my work, life, and hobbies. I believe that each person should follow the path that brings them joy, even if it might be meandering and non-traditional.

So PolyJoyous was born! I intend this to be a lifestyle blog where I can share the things that bring me joy and hopefully bring a little to others in the process. A short but by no means inclusive list of examples: Organic/local/made from scratch/just plain yummy food, crafting (I love to make things for my friends and family!) and DIY in general, animals (currently I'm a mommy to two fur-children of the cat variety, but in the past have raised rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, ducks, etc.), weddings (just had ours in 2013, still doing the bridesmaid things like it's my job), travel (my hubby and I have family in all regions of the USA and lots more internationally), yoga (hoping to get my teacher certification soon) and most of all LEARNING!

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!