
Wednesday, June 17, 2015


DISCLAIMER: this is not my recipe. I'm just posting on here because it looks SOOOO good and I want to be able to save it for the future because I can't wait to make it. Credit goes to Lisa Brickett who posted it on FB Lisa says" 
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1-1/2 c. sugar
1 c. sour cream...
1/2 c. butter, softened
2 eggs
1-3/4 (3 or 4) ripe bananas, mashed
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
Brown Butter Frosting:
1/2 c. butter
4 c. powdered sugar
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. milk

1. Heat oven to 375F. Grease and flour 15x10-inch jelly roll pan. For the bars, in a large bowl, beat together sugar, sour cream, butter, and eggs until creamy. Blend in bananas and vanilla extract. Add flour, baking soda, salt, and blend for 1 minute. Stir in walnuts.
2. Spread batter evenly into pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.
3. Meanwhile, for frosting, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat until boiling. Let the butter turn a delicate brown and remove from heat immediately.
4. Add powdered sugar, vanilla extract and milk. Whisk together until smooth (it should be thicker than a glaze but thinner than frosting). Using a spatula, spread the brown butter frosting over the warm bars (the frosting will be easier to spread while the bars are still warm).

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer Goals 2015!

Sooo long time no blog huh? Oops. Life got in the way, but no excuses, I mean I started this blog for me and then let everything take priority. Still learning that whole balance thing. But balance isn't a thing you ACHIEVE really it's a thing you DO. Anyway, I'm sure that could be a good post in and of itself but not what I'm here for today. Today is about things I do want to ACHIEVE. Today is about GOALS! I have a big summer coming up and I have a lot that I'd like to do so I thought "why not put my goals on the blog?" Even though like no one reads this (yet, maybe some day :) ) I thought this was a way to make my goals public, hold myself accountable and set up a kind of contract with myself (and anyone who might happen to read this). So without further ado my goals for Summer 2015 are:

  • Complete at least 3 trainings in new types of therapies and techniques and specialties
  • Go on an amazing honeymoon with my hubby to San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico! (cannot wait! We've been married almost 2 years still haven't taken honeymoon, crazy.)
  • See my mentee once a week. :) 
  • Brush up on my Spanish for the trip and work.
  • Go to yoga once a week, if not more.
  • Find a new source of income so that I don't go crazy like I did working two jobs this spring.
  • Write on this blog weekly, if not more. :)
  • Prep for next school year including better ways to keep up with documentation, new groups for kids, parents, and staff, and building up and organizing my therapy supplies.
  • Complete DIY projects for:  1 graduation, 1 baby shower, 1 wedding and all things I've been hoping to do for her own home but never seem to get to.
  • Start a daily mindfulness practice, be it journaling, yoga, or meditation.
  • Plan an awesome joint 30th birthday party with my girl G.
  • Go to "the winery" at least once a month. We are wine club members at a awesome winery in the Santa Cruz mountains. Views are gorgeous, I will definitely do a post at some point.
  • Visit out fiends in Santa Cruz, San Fransico, and Oakland more. :)
So there they are! I will definitely do updates on how it's going throughout the summer. Hopefully seeing my goals can be a little inspiration for others to get out and use the longer summer days to achieve the things that really matter to you.

Live Joyously!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Kitchen Re-Boot: Dinner Edition- Avocado Pesto Cauliflower "Pasta"

Hello!  This week I'm doing two posts about recipes that I've adapted to make them "healthier". I put this in quotes because there are SO many ideas out there about what is healthy and what isn't- organic, local, flexitarian, vegan, Paleo the list goes on.  For our little family, I try my best to follow Michael Pollan 's (author of Omnivore's Dilemma, Food Rules and many more books I HIGHLY recommend) advice, " Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants." It's pretty simply: avoid processed foods, cook from scratch (especially things that are "bad", ex. sweets and fried food, because if you only eat these when you are willing to cook them from scratch you will eat them MUCH less), read ingredient labels and be wary of things that have long chemically names, you should recognize what is in you food, eat traditional preparations, eat significantly less meat and when you do eat quality meat (grass fed, local). There is a big emphasis of cooking for yourself, because this way you can control what is in the food, and the portion size. 

For us this looks like eating meat MAYBE twice a week (I feel like it's usually less), seafood once or twice a week, and then vegetarian the rest of the week. We buy our meat at the framer's market, as we do with almost all our produce. We are NOT perfect, there are somethings that we buy at Costco and Trader Joe's (because it's just too expensive, we live in a really expensive state in a REALLY expensive area because my husband works for a Silicon Vally start-up). Not every piece is organic and local, but we try to choose things that are both of these as often as possible (but for me local trumps organic, I'd rather have peppers from California that didn't come for a certified farm than from Holland, yes Holland, that bear an organic label). 

However, I think the healthiest thing we do is COOK EVERY NIGHT! (except when there are leftovers). We only eat out for special occasions, and I honestly can't tell you the last time we ordered in. Fast food is something we have maybe 2-3 times a year, as a treat or if we are traveling and it's the only option (we recently drove from NorCal to Las Vegas and there is not much to choose from out in the middle of the Mojave at night).  It does help keep costs down so we can afford to buy high quality ingredients, but I know that not everyone is as lucky as I am. 

I get it, cooking is difficult for many people. It's not just the time commitment, it's that cooking is a skill that many never learned. Even though my mom cooked MOST of the time when I was growing up (we also had frozen stuff from Swaun's), I didn' really begin to learn how to cook till my senior year of college, thanks to my roommate G. When I unexpectedly found myself living alone just a few months after graduation and I had to figure out how I would feed myself on a entry-level salary AND make rent each month without the help of roommates. Cooking was really the only way. At first it was BAD. I can bake up a storm, but in those early days you did not want to come to my place for dinner. But I kept at it and I got better. Then I met a man who loves to cook, and we started a life together. We lived with his family for a while and they make EVERYTHING from scratch. His grandmother doesn't speak any English, but she still taught me so much, and his mom taught me even more. I guess what I'm saying is you CAN do it! You can learn and, while you may never be a chef, sitting down to a meal that you prepared and knowing that you are doing good things for your health is a great feeling.

OK rant over. Receipe fun starts NOW!

I'm a Pinterest FANATIC and I have 6 food related pin boards (6!). I pin a lot of recipes and I try to look for things that aren't going to need a lot of modification to meet my standards. However, even recipes that seem healthy can sometimes be made even better with a little creativity. 

Since we moved to California, this recipe for Avocado Pesto have been one of our favorites. However my husband has been on this "no pasta" kick for awhile (I love him, but it's truly just vanity, he wants a six-pack lol). I LOVE pasta, one of my favorite shower gifts were my pasta rolling and cutting attachments for my Artisan mixer.  However, I also know that pasta isn't the healthier food (except if you are carb-loading for a race, which I haven't done since I stopped doing track after high school). So I needed a new vehicle for the delivery of this tasty sauce to my eager mouth. Enter Cauliflower!  I first tried "cauliflower pasta", literally just cauliflower chopped up into small florets and boiled, when I made this recipe. We loved it and it's become a new favorite to make with all kinds of sauces we would usually put on pasta (vodka, marinara, etc.). So I knew I had to try it with our beloved avocado pesto. I turned out really well (though apologies for the lack of/quality of pictures, it smelled good and we were hungry!)

Avocado Pesto Cauliflower "Pasta"

1 Small to Medium Head of Cauliflower, chopped into small florets

  • 1 Small bunch fresh basil
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts (optional, I know it's not real pesto to some without pine nuts, but in a pinch I omit them or I'll just use almonds instead)
  • 1 avocado, pitted and peeled
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic 
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

1. Bring a medium saucepan of salted water to the boil.
2. Simmer cauliflower for 10-12 minutes, or until tender. Drain and set aside, TIP: I cook my cauliflower in my pressure cooker! (my most used kitchen tool). Add water, salt and cauliflower to the pressure cooker, seal and heat on high until the pressure high pressure if reached. My pressure cooker manual recommends 2 to 3 minutes, but you may want o check your manual to see what the recommendation is for your model (especially if using an electric pressure cooker). Remove from heat and run cool water to "quick-release" the pressure (again check your own manual first). 
3. Meanwhile, make the pesto by combining basil*, pine nuts, avocados, lemon juice, garlic, and oil in a food processor. Process until smooth. Season generously with salt and pepper. *Be VERY careful with the basil, I've over done it before and the result was COMPLETELY inedible. If you aren't sure how much to use, add it in gradually.
4. Toss cauliflower "pasta" with pesto. For an extra touch of color and flavor, top pasta with cherry or sun-dried tomatoes. To add more protein my husband and I toss in sautéed shrimp,  vegan Italian sausage (pictured above, this one is from Costco, is organic, and the ingredients are real food), or tofu.
There is is, my first recipe post! Hope you enjoy it!
Live Joyously!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

mini humans are awesome! baby gifts part 2: boy oh boy (DIY name/dob prints, and a cute frame for brothers)

Last July I was in Philly for a surprise bridal shower I was throwing for my best friend (love you A!). However, I had no idea that I would be getting an amazing surprise that day too. My good friend Mommy Z told me she was expecting again!  

Her son Tommy is just the most awesome kid I know (I mean I don't know many kids, she is the first in our group of friends to start a family, but I still think he's a pretty special baby ). So I knew that this new little bundle of joy would be a special kid as well. However, we would all have to wait till March to find out whether we were welcoming a baby brother or sister for Tommy. Mommy and Daddy Z choose not to find out the gender with Tommy and were doing the same with this baby. 
A piggy bank I made Tommy for his baptism 

SO when I got the text this March that they had welcomed a little boy named Michael I was so happy for them! Tommy has a brother, so fun! The boys will be just under two years apart and I hope they will be best buds and partners in crime, though I worry a little for Mommy Z once both of these little trouble makers are mobile, watch out!

 I wanted to make something to celebrate this new addition to the Z Family as well as something to celebrate the bond that I hope these brothers will share. 

For Mikey :) I saw this on Etsy and thought "I can make that!" ( have this thought ALOT only a fraction of those project turn out as well as this one,  haha)

I found these frames at Target. They are listed for $3.99 but they were on sale that day (I can't find my receipt), so scored them for even less (I remember it being under $6 including CA sales tax).

I had some white 8.5x11 card stock from past projects. I just played around in Word till I got the design to my liking, I used Trebuchet for the font. It's my new favorite font, especially for resumes, more on that in an upcoming post :)

I printed out the finished design, used my paper cutter to trim them down and VOILA!!!

Sorry for the blur on the name, just trying to give some privacy for the baby and family.
This is SUCH an easy DIY and could be customized in MANY ways (change fonts and colors, print on colored card stock, fancy frames, use this technique to transfer design to wood, canvas, etc.)

For the Brothers: Inspiration came from here.

I had a left over white plastic craft frame. I used these to make thank you gifts for my bridesmaids that I gave for Christmas this past year (I will most likely post about that at a later date as well). They were only $.50 each!!! But I think that may have been because they were on clearance, Michael's not longer carries them :(

I used the same transfer technique as my last post. The fonts are Trebuchet (current font crush, for sure) for " There's no" and "Brother" and Pacifico for "Buddy" and "like a". 

This project was also really easy and quick. Again you could easily change it up to be a wood sign or canvas, but I loved the idea of a picture frame so Mommy Z and put a picture of her little boys in it :)

Well that's it! I'm so happy for Mommy Z and I can't wait to meet little Mikey when we will be back in Philly for more wedding this summer.

If you have any questions or comments please don't be shy :)

Live Joyously!

mini humans are awesome! baby gifts part 1: little legacy picture frames

OK let's just get something right out there in the open: I'm LAME! Like super uncool. This is not a being-down-on-myself thing, it's a fact. Why? because I STILL love my sorority nearly 10 years after I joined and more than 5 years after I graduated. What can I say, I'm lame, but I don't care. Sorority gave me my best friends, and a deeper connection to my collegiate experience.

My sorority crafting obsession started very early...
basket full of gifts gave my little C for her initiation way back I'm 2006

So when I found out that two of my friends (my Big Big Big and a friend who pledged different sorority at a different school before transferring) were expecting legacies is this year I got WAY excited. When any of my friends is excepting it's joyous news, but little girls...I just couldn't help myself!(Btw a legacy is a daughter, granddaughter, sister, or niece of a sorority woman).

I should probably mention here that I'm actually a legacy of a sorority, but not the one I'm a sister of. My mom was in a sorority that didn't have a chapter at my college. Even though my mom and I don't share letters, it's always been this special understanding we have, as women who have share similar  experiences. And here's one more thing that make this all so specials: one of those little girls on the way is a legacy in my mom's sorority. It's really special to me that I share something with each of these baby girls: one is a legacy in my sorority and the other is a legacy of the same sorority that I'm a legacy of.

I get it. Some people just won't understand. That's OK. Whether you agree with me or not, whether you like sororities or not, whether you think gendered gifts for babies are stupid, that's fine. I just feel something special. The mothers of these little girls are friends and sisters in my heart and so to me these little girls are, in a way, family. I think everyone can relate to that.

Now as much as I LOVE my sorority, my mom never pressured me to join her sorority, look at schools that had chapters, or even to join greek life at all, and I am thankful for that. So I didn't want to go too far when making something for these babies. I wanted something that would pay homage to their being legacies without being in-your-face and letters and you-must-join-us kind of stuff.

SO What I came up with was this :

A picture frame with the little girls name and the message "dream big, little one". It reflects all the hopes I have for these little girls, that they can grow up to be whatever they dream of. Then I added the subtle hint to their legacy status: their mother's sorority mascot! I also incorporated the colors of the sorority where I could, while still leaving it mostly neutral (I did this more so that it could easily fit with whatever decor the parents choose).

Here is some info on my DIY process for making the frames:

I bought these craft frames at my local Michael's for $4.99 each.

I used some paint pens that I had from some previous projects ( I LOVE paint pens for DIY projects) As you can see I have no loyalty to any one brand (though I feel like the DecoColor last FOREVER).
The one I want to point out is the white DecoColor. I first tried to use a white Sharpie paint pen but the wood frame would absorb the white paint and you couldn't even tell I had put anything on the frame. The staff at Michael's helped me pick this one specially designed for wood and it worked like a charm.

The fonts I used were Pacifico for "dream big" and the names, and Tekton Pro Bold for "little one". I found the unicorn and lyre silhouettes through a simple Google image search. I used this technique to transfer the designs onto the frames.

And more pictures of the finished product:

As much as I love this idea and think it could be used for a sorority legacy, I also think it could be a great baby gift for any expectant/new parent. I think the message "dream big" is something everyone wants for their bundle of joy.

My next post is about more baby gifts (I'm in that phase of life were everyone is having kids, except me, I'm sticking to the auntie club for now) but this time for a little boys (but again with a few changes could be used of either gender).

Live Joyously!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Febru-Airy! AKA my take on the 14 days of love concept

OK I know it's March, but I just started this blog and I am really excited so I can't wait till next year to post about this (plus I don't want to forget about it). So bear with me. Plus I think anyone could take with idea and use it for their significant other's birthday or an anniversary or some other special occasion.

My hubby (aka Airy, not the real spelling of his name so he gets to keep some privacy) was born during the first two weeks of February, he's a little cupid baby ;). And whether you are a V-day lover or an anti-V-Day activist, Valentines' day rolls around ever February the 14th regardless. It just so happens that my hubby and I also had our first date during the first two weeks of February back in '09 And just a week later he took me on our 2nd date on Valentine's Day, complete with flowers and chocolates! I didn't stand a chance, he was just too good and I fell hard. Lucky it all worked out in the end :)

Ever since we have been had a sticky situation on our hands ever February: how to do we celebrate all these wonderful things in the span of two weeks without going completely broke in the process. We usually do combined gifts/dinners, but I have always felt like I'm cheating him out of a real birthday celebration. I did throw him a surprise party one year, but now that we are out of the West Coast away from most of our friends and family it  just wasn't an option this year. 2014 would also be the first time we would celebrate these occasions as newlyweds, so I felt extra pressure.

Then I was trolling Pinterest (which I spend WAY too much time doing, hubby gets plenty annoyed with me and my iPhone addiction)I saw more than a few pins about 14 Days of Love (see here, here and here for reference). This idea basically encourages giving a small gift each day for the first two weeks of February all leading up the big love fest on the 14th. When I saw this I LOVED it. I could finally give my hubby the attention he deserved and do it in a way I could afford (money is tight when you live in a place with Manhattan-level rents).

So without further ado I present to you FEBRU-AIRY (see what did there with his name)

So for each day I would give him a small gift, surprise, or coupon for later use and a card/tag with a cute saying (most of the time I designed them myself in Word and just printed them on regular paper).

NOTE: I'm not posting ALL the cards I made since some have his real name.  I also missed getting picture of a few gifts/treats. also some of these gifts are a little racy, but hey we are newlyweds ;). The pictures aren't the best quality, they were taken with my cell phone and often taken in a hurry, but I think the idea still get across.

Day 1
Card: “Have a Very Merry Febru-Airy!!” and a description of the concept.
Treat: Pancakes, made just the way he likes, nice and fluffy. (no pics this day, sorry)

Day 2

Surprise: umm yeah…

Day 3

Treat: Pistachios (we do live in CA after all)

Day 4

Treat: Gum

Day 5

Gift: Coupon for one night of "phone-free" couple time

Day 6

Treat: Chapstick (I’m always stealing his and vice versa)

Day 7 

Gift: We LOVE Breaking Bad (who doesn't really) and so just getting a card with Walt on it made  his day but I also included a coupon for one "cook, meaning I will make anything he wants.

Day 8
Card: I didn’t get to make one :(
Surprise: Dinner at our favorite tapas place and a trip to an “adult” store (again no pics, which I think is probably a good thing)

Day 9


Treat: Orange

Day 10
Treat: Chocolate!

Day 11

Treat:  Naked juice. We usually don’t buy smoothies (we have a BlendTech and use it daily) but this was too cute not to do!

Day 12
Card: One of the few store bought cards (I got it at Target)

Treat: Birthday cake from a great place in San Jose called Dick’s Bakery

Day 13

Gift: Teavana Blackberry Mojito Green Tea (it’s SO good, hubby calls it “the good tea” and he loves it hot with honey, while I like it iced and unsweetened)

Day 14
Card: The one other store bought card, also from Target.

Gift: a book of “Love Coupons” this like good for one foot-rub, good for one homemade meal of your choice (though I cook almost ever night, and hubby helps)

So there it is. I think it's important to remember to do little things for each other, and I hope this maybe inspires others to do little things for the person you love. It won't all be as perfect as it looks on Pinterest, but it's not about that, it's about making someone smile and feel loved. 

Live joyously! 
<3 PolyJoyous

*BTW I used PicMonkey to make the collages so I could show the inside/outside or front/back of each card. It's a nice free website you can use to edit photos (it reminds me of Picnick from a few years back), and who doesn't love free :)